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DOI: 10.46698/t4957-0399-9092-y

On Hadamard and Hadamard-Type Directional Fractional Integro-Differentiation in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with Mixed Norm

Yakhshiboev, M. U.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal 2020. Vol. 22. Issue 4.
The paper presents definitions and various auxiliary properties of Hadamard and Hadamard-type directional fractional integrals, Marchaud-Hadamard and Marchaud-Hadamard-type directional fractional derivatives. A relation is established between Hadamard and Hadamard-type directional fractional integrals and Marchaud-Hadamard and Marchaud-Hadamard-type directional fractional derivatives with the directional Riemann-Liouville operator. A modification of Hadamard and Hadamard-type directional fractional integrals with the kernel improved at infinity is introduced. The paper deals with a stretch invariant "convolution type" operators in weighted Lebesgue spaces with mixed norm. The boundedness and semigroup properties of Hadamard and Hadamard-type directional fractional integration in weighted Lebesgue spaces with mixed norm are proved. The compositions of Hadamard and Hadamard-type fractional integral and Marchaud-Hadamard and Marchaud-Hadamard-type directional fractional derivative are also considered and integral representation of Marchaud-Hadamard and Marchaud-Hadamard-type truncated directional fractional derivatives is obtained. Inversion theorems are proved for Hadamard and Hadamard-type directional fractional integrals on weighted Lebesgue spaces with mixed norm. A relationship between ordinary and truncated Marchaud-Hadamard and Marchaud-Hadamard-type directional fractional derivatives is also revealed.
Keywords: Hadamard fractional integral, Hadamard fractional derivative, Lebesgue space with mixed norm, dilation operator, fractional derivative by direction of the Marshau--Hadamard, fractional derivative by~direction of the Marshau-Hadamard type
Language: Russian Download the full text  
For citation: Yakhshiboev, M. U.  On Hadamard and Hadamard-Type Directional Fractional Integro-Differentiation in Weighted Lebesgue Spaces with Mixed Norm, Vladikavkaz Math. J., 2020, vol. 22, no. 4, pp.119-134 (in Russian). DOI 10.46698/t4957-0399-9092-y
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