ISSN 1683-3414 (Print)   •   ISSN 1814-0807 (Online)
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Dear authors!
Submission of all materials is carried out only electronically through Online Submission System in personal account.

Rules for authors

General information

1. Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal publishes original research papers on functional and complex analysis, algebra, geometry, differential equations, mathematical physics. Review articles are published by special requests of the Editorial Board. The journal is intended for researchers, teachers, postgraduate and undergraduate students. It is published with periodicity four issues per year. We publish papers written in Russian or English, which generally comprise up to 17 printed pages. Papers, exceeding 17 printed pages, can be accepted for publication by a special decision of the Editorial Board. The time, needed for evaluating papers, is at most 8 months. Note that, to accelerate the publication of your paper, you should abide by the submission rules for the authors.

2. Articles containing new results in mathematics and also the review articles are welcomed for publication in the VMJ. The editorial board does not consider the articles previously published and accepted for publication in other journals. The results of other authors used in a manuscript should be cited in an appropriate way. Submitting the manuscript to the journal, the authors acknowledge by this that the manuscript meets these requirements.

3. By submitting a manuscript to the journal, each author explicitly confirms that the manuscript meets the highest ethical standards for authors and coauthors, follows all the standards of publication ethics developed by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), see

4. All materials submitted for publication in the journal are subject for registration, including the date of manuscript receiving to the editorial office. Executive editor (editor-in-chief) accepts the decision of publication, rejection in the publication or sending the manuscript to the author for further improvement. The author is informed about it no later than 4 months after submitting the manuscript to the editorial office of the Journal. For more information, see Peer review guidelines.

5. The articles, accepted for publication in the journal, undergo editorial training. Then the final version of the article in PDF-format is sent to the authors for proofreading.

6. The authors of a manuscript accepted for the publication should sign the Transfer of Copyright Agreement. The form of the agreement can be downloaded from the website of the journal.

7. The full-text articles, published in the journal, are available for free open access on the official site of the journal, as well as on the sites of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, the All-Russian Mathematical Portal Math-Net.Ru, and the Scientific Electronic library "CYBERLENINKA".

8. Publication of articles is free of charge for the authors.

Guidelines for the preparation and submission of the manuscript

1. The manuscript is submitted electronically by email: The manuscript should be carefully checked. All the pages, figures, tables, and the references should be numbered.

2. The manuscript should be prepared using LaTeX publishing software (Example of .tex file). Typewritten manuscripts or the ones prepared using software other than TeX, will not be considered. The tex- and ps- (pdf-) files of the paper should be sent to the editorial office by e-mail (

3. The manuscript should include the UDC index, the title of the paper, the initials and surnames of all authors, short abstracts in Russian and English (no less than 200 words), the list of keywords in Russian and English, and codes MSC2010. Then, the full names of all authors and the titles of their institutions (with full postal addresses), where the work was done, should be given, the phone number with the city code or mobile phone number, e-mail address and ORCID of every author.

4. The date of the electronic submission of the manuscript to the e-mail of the journal is considered as that of the official submission. The e-mail should be written as a cover letter, where it is clearly said that the authors submit the manuscript to Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. It is necessary to indicate the author, responsible for the correspondence with the editors.

5. The abstract should contain no cumbersome formulas, references to the text of the manuscript, or citations.

6. The article should be prepared using the macro package LaTeX, and issued in accordance with the standard requirements for copyright originals. Special attention should be paid to the undesirability of the new (introduced by the author) command sequences, especially with the parameters in the preparation of the file. The author should use mainly standard means of the macro package. It is undesirable to use signs padded with spaces without the need.

7. The articles, containing figures (drawings, pictures, etc.), are considered only after agreement with the editors of technical issues of the figures preparation. Black-and-white figures should be prepared in EPS format (Encapsulated PostScript) to be adequately represented upon optical reduction in two times. If figures are used, it is necessary to attach the package epsfig. The caption should be centered under the figure and include the word ТFig.У followed by the number. The figures should be continuously numbered throughout the manuscript. All comments to figures should be placed in the text of the manuscript. The tables are accompanied by the formatted left caption Tab. followed by the number. The tables should be continuously numbered throughout the manuscript. All comments to the tables should be placed in the text of the manuscripts. Diagrams should be made similarly to the figures.

8. The bibliography should include only the items referred to in the manuscript in the citation order. It is not allowed to refer to unpublished works, the results of which are used in proofs of the paper. The list of references is typed at the end of the text of the article, drawn up in accordance with the rules of publication. Authors should specify the list of references as follows:

for articles - author, the full title of the article, journal, year of publication, volume, number (issue), pages of the start and the end of the article;

for book - author, the full name of book, city, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

The references in the text should be given in square brackets.

9. The list of references is fully duplicated in English (see references.doc) and should be given completely in a separate block at the end of the article, repeating the list of references from the Russian part, regardless of whether there are foreign sources in it. If there are references to foreign publications in the list, they are completely repeated in the list prepared in the Roman alphabet. References list is used by the international bibliographic databases (Scopus, WoS, etc.) for citation accounting.
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